Mothermouth Medicine

S01 E07 Mothermouth Musings 1: The power of language – coaches, guides and the old hierarchical structures

Nov 19, 2023 | musings

Podcast description

The first instalment of Mothermouth Musings! 🙂

I have decided to intersperse Mothermouth’s interviews with maybe to be considered more ‘philosophical’ musings and ponderings of mine, that have recently come up. These will be short recordings around topics that have caught my attention.

Maybe I will publish these musings under a written blog, but for now time constraints are keeping them to audio recordings which I think works quite well.

With the recent explosion of offerings in coaching and mentoring and online courses in knowledge sharing I ponder about how typical word usage in the field of health and spiritual development actually undermine the essence of what they are claiming to help people with.

For me, the words ‘coach’ or ‘guide’ in themselves denote a power discrepancy or hierarchical set up, which might feel familiar and safe to many because we are used to authoritarian structures, however it contradicts the promise of helping you to ‘step into your power’.

Language is powerful!

Naming something is a ‘magical act’.

Thus, I feel, we need to be very aware of words’ tonality, context, and origins.

How can we rename something that is a dynamic process between people? To come to its essence and to dismantle old disempowering structures at the same time? Maybe ‘accompanying’ somebody on a healing journey would be the right phrase?

I mention a couple of thinkers in this episode who are very much working on the dismantling of hierarchical structures and are supporting collective co-creation.

These are:

Bayo Akomolafe and his Emergence Network – https://www.bayoakomolafe.net

Phoebe Tickell and her Imagination Activism and participation in Liberating Structures:

As always, I am super interested in what your thoughts are on these subjects. 🙂

Please be in touch <3

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A transcript of the podcast episode is available here:

Music by 12Volt, with great thanks to my friend Sascha Usison.

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Podcast – Mothermouth Speaks

Journey with us as we explore and celebrate life's seasons and rites of passages, often overlooked, invisible, or unmarked in our modern societies.

At Mothermouth, we believe that reconnecting with life’s rhythms is key to reclaiming our connection to our bodies. Cultivating a sense of belonging is crucial, as it provides a safe space for navigating our inevitable growth, allowing us to return to our place in the world with a deep sense of purpose - a birthright we all deserve.

Mothermouth is dedicated to embarking on diverse and transformative journeys towards body connection, power, and pleasure. Our podcast series begins by delving into the realms of birth and its physiology - the profound act of bringing a child into the world. Giving birth signifies the embodiment of our existence, and becoming a mother marks a significant shift in our lives, both from a bodily and societal perspective. While the physical changes are noticeable and acknowledged, we also explore the subtle yet deeply transformative psychological changes of becoming a mother and the challenges we face.

But this is just the beginning. As we take our first steps on this journey we will traverse a multitude of subjects, guided by guest speakers and our ever-changing expansions of questions and interests. As the scout on this pilgrimage, I am simultaneously navigating my own path towards the imminent rite of passage that is menopause, while still grieving the recent loss of my own mother.

At Mothermouth, our passion lies in empowering each individual to stand in their power, purpose, and deep connection to their bodies, while experiencing the joy of sharing and witnessing the transformative journey within our community.

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